Pond Premtoon

Rockport, MA

Rockport, MA

In lieu of Family Day (my girlfriend’s company’s thing), we took a day trip together to Rockport. It’s only an hour away, but a true achievement for couch potatoes like us. I have a thing for seaside towns (Boston and New York don’t quite count), and after months of, well, 2020, a refreshing breeze by the ocean and tray of lobster roll and fries felt like a reward well deserved

Crowded Grand Street Station

Crowded Grand Street Station

I am going to see crowded photos like this very differently than before. It reminds me of things used to be, but I’m also not sure whether this is the past I’m comfortable to return to. New York, NY January, 2020

Golden light at the National Mall

Golden light at the National Mall

During my mom’s visit last December, we took a weekend trip to Washington, DC. Having been to various US cities, she likes DC the most and by a wide margin. It was a sharp contrast from New York, where I work and where she had to spend most of her trip. Cleaner air, more room to move around, bigger sky to look up at–a city that grew at its own deliberated pace.